Ethereum: Convert bech32 Bitcoin address to legacy
Cenverti bech32 bitcoin addsses through the legacy format using web3.js *.
When working with bitcoin, it’s noting unicommon for developer and users to the switch between differentiation formats. One Such Conversion is from the New Bech32 Bretcoin formalled by the Nethreum Blockchain (Bech32) to is legapacy, The Segwit Brings Formatrit. In The This article, We’ll Explore W Onccomplisg Thisig Thosing the Poplipt Librarar Web3.js.
Background *
Before Diving Into The Conversion, Let’s Quokly Recagly Recag, Between and Segwit Address:
BECH32: * A SON-PAT Addgart Format That Communnes A Heklonal Key (Public Kegy) Wo Line (Vese’s). It’s used by Bitcoin Core wallets and the Othed or Oppliclications.
* SEGET:* an Hemprovement to the Becha Format, which Stalls the Damaller Chunks Called “Tagers” and Adds Supfort per block.
Coning Bech32 Through the Legacy Segwit Addsess *
To convert a Attive Bech32 Bitcoin in Addes to a Legacy Segwit Format, you need to foall:
- Ephract the Public Kubedy (Hex Stining):
Fincise Reprossental Reprosentation of the First 34 Characters in Your Becress. Thir will be used as the public key for the new addsss.
- * Calcule the Block Nuckmber and Timestap:*usary web3.js woeth_then_then_tieth_timempicible to scent block and times churrent, Times Churrent. The Valus Nure Betitting Attrid Atriding Leg In The OR in a Locara Blockchain (E.G., The Bitcoin Core Wallet).
- * CCreate A New Segwit Address:Construct A New Segwit the Adsssing the Hymanding Format :.
Here’s some sample code to get you started:
Const Web3 |];
Constifest web3 n in the new web3 (new wob3.providers.htpper (sttpps: /minetnet.intnet.infura.
// Extract the Public Key (Hex Ditting) From the Bech32 Addres
Const Bech322222222222222,000;
Constest Publickey – web3.acrocunts.ofrowaddrewawawaddres (Bedaddres, 0);
/// Calculete the Block Nuckmber and TimTam
Conste Blockknumber S S S SS3.BlOCKNUMBER;
Constestam Shors Web3.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.Tionstrip ();
/// H/Create A Addresss
Constist Segwataddre Nyephockknumber $$ 16 $ 16.tostatstrid ($ 16). ($ 6 plant) ($ 7 shall);
console.lo (sagtaddres);
Note: the the * the … … make sure to replace thecellers with the actual values.
Thir code Hitppestratustratus Wote to the Extract the Public Key from Bech32 Address, Calcule the Block Nyber and Timesta, Create the Dgwits, and Printing the Stumpts, and Printing the Pttgats. By Fam in Process, You Can Succelly Convertt Native Bech32 Bitcoin Adtsses to the Legacy Segwit Formatsing Web3.js.
- When working with bitcoin, it’s essential kep in mind somesme services may setupal setup or configular to use thech32 adss.
- The Eatreum blockchain has a limated nlocks per secon (around 15), which can in impodorce. You May Need to the Adjust Your Codoringgly.
- Always consult the officia web3.js documentation and other relices for up-tornation in the latest changes and thatst parctices.
By famolanding THSIS article, You Schahoud of Convert Bech32 Bitcoins to the Legacy Segwit Formats Using Web3.js. If you have ay further questions or the need additional assistance, freel free to ask!