Bitcoin: Can a spend before a timestamp condition be put on a Bitcoin UTXO?
Can I consume Bitcoin Utxo before the time of the time?
Old old question of how to insert into Bitcoin Utxos (unconfirmed transaction objects) before the time. In this article we examine the current state and examine possible solutions.
What are the Bitcoin utxos?
Bitcoin Utxos are unchanged transaction objects that represent an event in the Bitcoin block chain. Each UTXO contains metadata about the event, such as the sender’s public key, the recipient’s public key, the sum and other details. Utxos are mainly digital receipts that can be kept in your wallet until they are celebrated.
Spend before the time stamp conditions
Before Timestam, it is a basic prerequisite to ensure the integrity of Bitcoin events. It is said that the event must be used before a certain time temple. Basically, this means that you do not yet exist in the block chain if you want to output UTXO T or afterwards.
Current status
The Bitcoin scripting language, the Bitcoin command series, currently enables an easy way to insert conditions before the stamp. However, these scripts may be susceptible to abuse and may not offer sufficient protection against harmful actors that you could use to manipulate the block chain.
In practice, the implementation of UTXOS consumption conditions is often achieved by a combination of scripts and other techniques, such as: B.:
* Witnesses : Witnesses specialize in scripts that check the events before they can be included in the block. With witnesses with time stamps that Tow the T, you can make sure that Utxo cannot yet be in blockchain.
* Only pops : Pops are another way to implement pre -stamp conditions. This includes the use of special scripts that check the events before they are included in the block.
How to introduce it before the time temple conditions
Although it may seem difficult, there are various options in front of Timestam Bitcoin Utxos:
- Use witnesses whose IME letter marks are above T
: If you create a new event, use a witness manuscript that contains an event that is greater than T.
- Implement POPS
: Use special scripts (e.g. “Txpool :: pop
or similar) to check the events before they are included in the block. Enter time slices.
- ** Use data structures to save conditions This enables more flexibility and scalability than relying on scripts exclusively.
Example code
Here is a simple example of how you can use witness scripts, with T -T -T -T -T -T -T -T -T -T -T -T -TIME in C ++
` C
// Enter a witness manuscript that contains an event with a time temple time as T
Witness Manuscript TXScript (Witness :: Witness :: Pubkerash, 1);
// Create a new event with the manuscript of the witness
Transaction TX;
tx.vch txin = txscript.pukkehash (tx.pri);
tx.vch txout = tx.scriptpubkey;
// indicate the consumption before time stamp conditions as a non -signable total number
Unshakable int t = 1000; // Replace the desired time -controlled stamps
// Make sure that the transaction contains a witness manuscript with a time stamp larger than t
BOOL Vermiottx (Const Transaction & TX) {
Auto it = tx.vch txin.begin ();
while (it! = tx.vch txin.nd ()) {
if (*it == command line (0x01, 1)) {
// Make sure that the transaction contains a witness manuscript with a time stamp larger than t
Unsertified in the stamp = (*se).