Bitcoin: How to create and sign a segwit transaction using any npm pacakge

Creating Segwit Transactions with Bitcore-Node: Troubleshooting Guide

Bitcoin: How to create and sign a segwit transaction using any npm pacakge

As a Node.js developer, you’ve probably run into problems using the bitcore-lib' package to create and sign Bitcoin transactions. One of the most common problems is the demand for using the Segwit feature introduced in Bitcoin Core 26.1. In this article, we will look at how to overcome these limitations and successfully create Segwit transactions using the same NPM package.

Problem: Stale Transactions

When you create legacy Bitcoin transactions usingbitcore-lib, they don't seem to support Segwit by default. This is due to the fact that the package relies on the old Bitcoin Core protocol, which does not originally support Segwit. However, some npm packages have been created to fill this gap.

Solution: usingbitcore-segwit’

To create and sign Segwit transactions using any npm package that supports it, you can use the bitcore-segwit package (available at [ This package provides an easy way to work with Segwit compatible Bitcoin nodes and wallets.

Step by Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating and signing Segwit transactions using bitcore-lib and bitcore-segwit:

  • Install required packages: Run the following command in terminal:

npm install bitcore libseaweed

  • Create a new transaction: Create a new transaction using the newTransaction method provided by libseaweed:

const { Transaction } = require('libseaweed');

const bitcoreLib = require('./bitcore-lib');

// Create a new wallet (for example, from a private key)

let wallet;

try {

const privateKey = 'your_private_key_here';

wallet = await bitcoreLib.createWallet(privateKey);

} catch (error) {



// Create a new transaction

const tx = new Transaction(


[new BitcoindAddress(''), // sender address]


// Set the Segwit flag for the transaction


{ type: 'publicKey', privateKey: privateKey },


// Sign the transaction with a new private key (or use an existing one)

const signature = await bitcoreLib.signTransaction(tx, 'your_new_private_key_here');

In this example:

  • We create a wallet using bitcore-lib and store it in the wallet variable.
  • We create a new transaction using libseaweed.
  • We set the Segwit flag for the transaction by adding an object with two properties: type = 'publicKey'' andprivateKey = privateKey’. This tells libseaweed to use your private key as the public key in the transaction.
  • Finally, we sign the transaction with the new private key.

Checking the transaction

To verify that the Segwit transaction was successfully created, you can use the following code:

const { Transaction } = require('libseaweed');

const bitcoreLib = require('./bitcore-lib');

// Creating a new wallet (for example, from a private key)

let wallet;

try {

const privateKey = 'your_private_key_here';

wallet = await bitcoreLib.createWallet(privateKey);

} catch (error) {



// Create a new transaction

const tx = new Transaction(


[new BitcoindAddress(''), // sender address]


// Set the Segwit flag for the transaction


{ type: 'publicKey', privateKey: privateKey },


// Sign the transaction with a new private key (or use an existing one)

const signature = await bitcoreLib.signTransaction(tx, 'your_new_private_key_here');

// Verify the transaction

const verificationTx = new Transaction(




await verificationTx.verify(signature);

If the transaction is successfully verified, you should see a message that the transaction has been confirmed.


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