Bitcoin: What does lastsend and lastrecv in “getpeerinfo” rpc mean?

Understanding the fields “Lastsend” and “Langrecv” in Bitcoin RPC

The RPC Request Getperinfo is a fundamental interface provided by the Bitcoin Core software to recover information on peer connected to the local node. Among the various fields returned, two are distinguished: Lastsend is Lastcv. These fields seem to describe a sort of TimesTamp or TimesTamp, but what do they actually represent? In this article, we will break down the meaning behind these fields and explore their implications for the transmission of P2P messages.

What does "Lastsend" mean?

The field "Lastsend should contain the time of the Unix (UTC) time in which a peer sent a transaction for the last time. This means that if you are checking the local node using this method,Lastsend will give you the TimesTamp when The corresponding transaction was committed.

To further illustrate this concept:

Imagine being on an P2P network and send a new block to someone else (let's call thempeer a ‘). After the block has been added to the chain by the local node, you can verify it using Getperinfo with the following parameters:


Getperinfo peraddress 1234567890ABCDEF, Lastsend = 1643723401, Lastcv = 1643723402


Here,Lastsendis set to 1643723401 (the weather in seconds from 1 January 1970, 00:00 UTC) when the transaction was committed by Peer A. In the same way, Langrecv ‘would have been 1643723414 (the time in A few seconds from 1 January from 1 January, 1970, 00:00 UTC), which is the current TimesTamp.

What does “Langrecv” mean?

The Lastcv camps should contain the Unix time time in which a peer has received data from you. This means that if you are checking from the local node using this method, LestuCV 'will give you the TimesTamp when the local node sent the last or received the corresponding data.

To put it in another way:Lastsend shows you what happened on the other side (the transaction), while the Lastcv ‘shows you what was happening from your end (your local knot that sends/receives data).

Here is an example:


Getpeerinfo peraddress 1234567890ABCDEF, Lastsend = 1643723401, Langrecv = 1643723412


In this case,Lastsendis set up on the moment when Peer A has committed their transaction. In the meantime, it would be set to the current rudder (1643723412), indicating that the local knot was receiving data from peer at that moment.

implications for the transmission of P2P messages

When using the RPCGetperinfowith these fields, you can make informed decisions that a transaction or data have been sent and received. For example:

  • IfLastsend it is different from scratch and it is zero Lastcv, it indicates that the local node has sent data to peer to recently (from the last sending).

  • If it is Lastsend 'than the Langrecv' are different from scratch, it suggests that the most of the same age have exchanged data with you recently.

  • If one of the two fields is zero, it could indicate that during the transmission a type of error or loss occurred.

In conclusion, the fieldsLastsendis Lastcv in Bitcoin Core RPC provide a way to analyze the transmission of P2P messages by checking when each peer has been sent and received data. These values ​​offer valuable insights on the activity of your local node on the network, helping you perfect your strategies for the management of incoming messages and transactions.

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