Ethereum: Are timestamps in transactions trustable?

condition of the transaction time on Ethereum

As a programmer or Ethereum network, you probably realize that time markers play a key role in ensuring the integrity and transparency of the transaction. However, do you know if these time markers are really trustworthy? Can they be carved out with malicious intentions?

In this article, we will delve into the world of transactions at Ethereum and examine their basic mechanics, potential gaps and ways of alleviating them.

What are the functions of the time markers on Ethereum?

Ethereum: Are timestamps in transactions trustable?

In blockchain Ethereum there are time markers (also known as the “Time Marker” or “Block. Each block contains a list of transactions, which are then verified by the network using complex mathematical calculations and cryptography.

The time marker function returns the value of the time marker, which represents the time when each transaction was added to blockchain. This value is usually stored as an integer, known as “Blocknumba”, which increases for each new block extracted on the chain.

Is marker markers trustworthy?

Theoretically, the functions of the time marker are designed to be resistant to manipulation and unchanging. However, there are several reasons why transactions may not be completely trustworthy:

4 In such cases, time tags can be delayed or lost.

  • Pruning block : When the sizes of blocks grow too large, older blocks are rejected (cut) from blockchain. If a malicious actor were to conclude transactions and then cut the old block, he could potentially replace other own transactions, which hinders to verify the integrity of the network.

  • Censorship resistance : The Ethereum protocol has been designed to be resistant to censorship, which means that after transaction transaction it cannot be reversed or removed. However, this also means that if malicious actors were to develop time markers and manipulate blockchain, they could potentially hide their actions from the network.

Can you fake time tags in transactions?

Yes, it is theoretically possible for the attacker to forget the time markers on Ethereum transactions. Here is a simplified example:



Risk related to the time to alleviate the time marker

While the time markers on Ethereum are not completely worthy, there are steps that you can take to alleviate their gaps:

  • Use a safe random numbers generator

    : When generating transaction time tags, use a cryptographically safe generator of pseudorandom numbers (CSPRNG) to make sure that the values ​​generated are unpredictable and unlikely to be predictable.



To sum up, while the time markers on Ethereum have inherent restrictions and weaknesses, they can be safely implemented with appropriate precautions.

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