Ethereum: Splitting balance to 50/50 in Binance.Net for specific crypto pair
Balance Division at Ethereum: A Terpa -Step Guide to 50/50 Divided into
When it comes to managing your cryptocurrency portfolio, accuracy is essential. A common challenge that many users face when working with more exchanges is to ensure a smooth and smooth balance transfer between platforms. In this article, we will examine the process of dividing your Etherrum balance to the BTCUDT -specific BTCUDT pair on
Before continuing, make sure you have the following:
- A token of the liquid binance API with sufficient permissions
- ETA and Binance
Ethics packages installed by NPM or Threads (for Node.JS)
- A binance account configuration and your favorite exchange
Step 1: Get your balance
First of all, we will get our balance for Basic Assets (ETH) and Quote Assets (BTCUDT). We can do this by making a request to reach the end point "Balces":
Const BNB = requires (‘binance-scapi’);
CONST ETHBALANCE = Wait BNB.get (‘Eth’, {account: ‘0x …’});
CONST BTCBALANCE = Wait BNB.get (‘BTC’, {Account: ‘0x …’});
In this example, we assumed a binance account with the public address0x …. Replace it with the details of your real account.
Step 2: Divide the balance
To divide the balance as 50/50 on BTCUDTT, we must create a painting of two elements representing the desired balances:
Constant balance = {
ETH: Etchbalance,
Next, we will make a post on the end point "Ballances" on to share our balance:
Consta Bnbsplitter = Requires (‘BNB-SPLITER’);
Consists of the result = Wait BNBSPLitter.Split (Balance, ‘BTCUB’, {account: ‘0x …’});
In this example, we use theBNB-SPLITTERlibrary to run a 50/50 division. Replace
‘BTCUBESDT’ ‘with your pair of favorite crypts.
Step 3: Check the separation
To verify that the hip transfer was successful, we can see if the two assets were updated:
Const BNB = requires (‘binance-scapi’);
CONST ETH = WAIT BNB.get (‘ETH’, {account: ‘0x …’});
CONST BTC = Wait BNB.get (‘BTC’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Console.log (eth balance: $ {et.etbalance}
console.log (BTC sold: $ {btc.btcalance}
If the two assets have been updated correctly, the hips should now reflect the desired separation.
Tips and variations
- To create a more complex separation, you can use thedivided method with various pairs of active or even different commands (eg long/short).
- Be sure to check the Binance API Net Documentation for changes or limitations that can be applied.
- If you encounter problems with the account property or balance updates, see API token permissions and adjust -a.
Following these steps, you can divide the 50/50 Ethereum Balance into BTCUDT using Happy commerce!