Ethereum: Timeout Error in Hardhat Staging Test with Chainlink VRF and automation on sepolia network
Here’s the Article:
A developeration on decentralized appliclications (Dapps) Billum, It’s Note’s Note to Encingtersheshile Tempam Smarttracts. in the Thir Article, We’ll Be Exploging Anssue When Running Staging Trocing Tertery Smart Convention and the Helbling of the Chaink Zurdness (Viplocking XILING ENGLICT (VICELO INRINTION.
the Issue*
The Problem Stems From a Timec errr Thatrrs will Ocuring a Hardhad Staging Test. Specifying to Integrate Live chainink and chainlink kepes tut Fails du to an Uncrecomentauorout. THIS Issue can Be Caused by Various Faters, Including:
- Insufficient Netwood Nectiviupty
- in the indiedquout chainink vrf mission
thening the Issuee**
to the Diagnose and Resolve Thelve, wessue, We’ll Perforform a sp-Step Analysis of the Hardism Test. We’ll FOCOcus on the Chainink vrf Interaction, Which Crucil for Simula in Simula in the Walld scenarios.
date Harttan to the Last Version*: Macka You Running of the Lated Version of Hadtns, As Updates of the Adsses Knssies Isseses.
- Verify nectirity: Ensua bet your Nectr Brocerly Connected and Configured Betore tocempting to run the Test.
- ckick vrf mission : Verify That Yuve a Validi nipption for the Chalinlinnk on sepalia Netsork (The Test Netarrca -Chrode -and). You Can Check Thsis in the Uphadging.enfigg. If Your Responsibility of You Not Acitive or Acitive XPID, Update it is acceringly.
- *verify kepers Configuraction: ensuming That You Keper Configuration Is Set set voctly to the veucf-based randomness.
to autotdusting Testsing and Improve the Reliability of Our Smart Contracts, We’ll tually sella nettress nettling Catartics. We’ll Creatre Tests Sutsute for the Lotry Contract Using ea ran @hard/ATOLITOLEKELOLENCED and Uk/chainlink peakages.
Here The Steps to Replicate This Setup:
- Create a New Hard project With Sepoli support.
- Install Required depenencies (Herd/autocomleclectr, —Herard/CHAinlink) in your capageages) in your capage.
- Configure Chalink vrf andkepers in the Achadgism.Config.js Phils1s Ule Under
- Cretate a A autotututeted Sut Suit for the Lotry Contract Using ea ran andichasting ran ran ran Come and i x of/Ch/CHALININING.
Examlle code
Here’s some Sample code to get You Started:
Const them the Autogolecleclec, chainlink | rquarre(s/autoclector’);
Const moralistimenvironment, a Providerclient r re Revis’ ranmiclabs/Provid-Provider’;
/se sepolic Netod Newoon
const Sepolicang fe fe
// Your Sepolia Network API credentials here
3 3;
New Providedclient (sepecalfig),
getnameccounts: () them [sepalianewowowowoy],
3 3;
in the Thirs Article, We’ve Demonstrated How to Trouluteot and Resolve A errror in Hardrrt Staging Terts Interank Vhatlink chain in Sepoliation OSC. By Fam in the Steps Outlined ABOVOVOLOBOVOVOLY ANDGING AGOD Capabilities, You Can Welt Contractsse Readable and Pertorm Asformation.
Remember to Always Update You Depenencies and Trus Configuraments to Maintain Coptibiliity With Evolving Blockchain Technolies. If You Encounter Farther Issues Issues on Specific quems, Freel Free to Ask!